I currently work in OB/GYN and I love it most days. I was extremely shocked to find out how much my children actually listen and pick up on. Every day we ask the kids how their day was and what they did at school. One day Kenzley came home and informed us that she had made a skeleton at school, completed with hair, eyes, six arms, and a "pagina." I have always been a believer in teaching my kids the correct names for their body parts, but never really thought about them teaching others. Kenzley really admires the provider I work for and looks up to her in a lot of ways. When I told Kenzley that we couldn't talk about our privates at school or recreate them, she then asked, "Why? You and Dr. so and so fix broken paginas all day, there isn't anything wrong with it." I continued to teach her our privates are private for a reason and that we don't talk about them at school. Here is her girl skeleton that she recreated.
16 hours ago
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